SOFA 1.3.0 has plenty of small but important additions:
- Added Mode as an option to Row Stats report tables. Reports mode(s) with N of the mode value(s) e.g. mode weight 72.0, 76.0 (N=23)
- Line and area charts can show major labels only as an option.
- Pie charts now have option of displaying count and percentage (not just in the tooltips as at present).
- Histograms use consistent bins when charted by a second variable.
- Better placement of y-axis title when wide labels.
- Pie charts keep consistent colours even if sorted by count rather than value or label.
- Better message when adding new reports if required subfolder with javascript and background images is missing. Only show message now if a problem.
- When trying to export report, SOFA checks for expected subfolder as well (otherwise dojo fails for any charts and export fails).
- SOFA prevents attempt to export report if no report file (yet).
- No longer displays View or Export Report buttons on Projects dialog.
And there have also been some important bug fixes making it worth upgrading:
- Fixed bug in row stats where data should have explicitly filtered out None values.
- Fixed bug in setting of min and max values for y-axis for boxplots when min is below 0.
- Refactored code for running report in output module. Easier to understand and also made it easy to save copy of internal html output with absolute paths to images – very helpful when exporting images.
- Built more robust value quoting e.g. for sql statements.
I hope you like it.