SOFA line charts and area charts now treat dates as dates in the x-axis which makes it easier to look at time series data.

New option added to interface

Time series selected – X-axis date aware

Time series not selected – X-axis not date-aware

Example time series chart
Additional improvements include:
- Better error message when not enough values in group to run analysis e.g. ANOVA.
- Better handling of precision in p-value results displayed.
- Better handling of dates pre-1900.
- Better messages to user about potentially excessive categories in charts.
- Add support for float years as date values for time series.
- Add support for specifying port connecting to postgresql.
- Allows boxplots when fewer values to display.
And there were two other changes:
- Removed broken google docs integration – just as easy to manually download and import normally.
- Removed two pop-ups – no longer needed.
There are also a number of bug fixes:
- No longer a missing legend in multiseries scatterplots just because the first scatterplot only had one series of data.
- Fixed bug with saving database connection details when a number involved (port).
- Fixed PostgreSQL bug when saving connection without password – now succeeds rather than failing silently.
- Fixed MySQL bug with adding rows.
- Fixed bug in Windows with checkboxes not enabling/disabling properly unless panels refreshed.