Archive for August, 2011

Version 1.1.0 brings it together

Saturday, August 20th, 2011

Version 1.1.0 finally brings it together adding some of the last features to round out the original vision for the application. The main change is much easier access to data – users can now open data tables from anywhere the table can be selected e.g. charts, report tables, statistical analyses.

Open your data from anywhere

Another change makes it easier to import from spreadsheets – SOFA now gives a preview of the first few rows of data to make it easier to determine whether there is a header row or not:

Spreadsheet sample

The two extra changes are: Importing from Google Doc spreadsheets now automatically starts import process if downloading was successful; Windows users can install into any folder now, not just one with sofastats in the name.

There are also a couple of bug fixes: Fixed bug when trying to display feedback on resizing operation on data table from dialogs other than data select; and fixed regression when running data list report tables.

Here are all the major feature changes since version 1.0 was released:

  • Single line charts now have option of a trend line and data smoothing (weighted rolling average).

    New options for line charts

  • Averages can be displayed for most chart types e.g. a line chart of average income by month.

    Chart Averages

  • Attractive and dynamic Box and Whisker plots added.

    Box and Whisker Plot button

    Box and Whisker Plot

  • Much easier access to data – can now open data table from anywhere the table can be selected e.g. charts, report tables, stats analyses.
  • Numerous usability improvements and bug fixes.

I hope you really like it.