Mac users can finally export output in PDF format including individual charts and report tables. And depending on the version of OS X Mac users will also be able to export as PNG images. Ensuring image exporting works across multiple versions of OS X is an ongoing project of work which users can help with if interested.
Users needing to produce monochrome output for publication will like the addition of a new monochrome theme.
All New Features in 1.4.4:
- Mac users can export output in PDF format (and PNG depending on version of OS X).
- Added new monochrome theme.
- Chi Square proportions output much easier to interpret successfully.
- The name of the grouping variable is now displayed when running comparisons of groups e.g. Country if comparing Italy and Germany.
- Exporting to spreadsheet detects if too many fields for xls output and informs user that only csv will be generated. Also truncates table name so worksheet name not too long.
- Import dialog only displays file types suitable for importing.
- Added message to let user know spreadsheet creation being skipped if no report tables to export.
- More user help on need for raw data (not pre-summarised) and long-format vs wide-format data as appropriate.
- Code reorganisation to make it possible for SOFA to be called in GUI form by external code GUI code.
- Scripts are now easier to use for standalone purposes.
- Added note about treatment of datetime data as categorical by SOFA for purposes of statistical tests.
- When exporting to spreadsheet and csv changes reserved sofa_id field name to was_sofa_id so it is OK to reimport after changes.
- More informative for larger range of potential problem e.g. database engine not functioning.
Bug Fixes:
- Fix bug resulting in Pearson’s r being displayed instead of Spearman’s rho.
- Fixed bug on some systems when saving a worksheet with spaces in name.
- Prevented numerous bugs related to quoting table names, fully qualified file names etc.
- Fixed bug with misuse of escape_pre_write on python code rather than normal content.
- Skew, and normality test now cope with the nan issue better e.g. sqrt of a negative number. Just says unable to calculate instead of displaying nan (not a number). skewtest function now copes with negative number as input to square root.
- Fixed bug when importing NaN text – now treated as a missing value in a numeric field.
- Removed bug which sometimes prevented Mac users from being able to successfully change the report name.
- Stopped making export folder if no output to export into it.