Archive for December, 2012

Getting export images/pdfs working for Mac users

Saturday, December 1st, 2012

SOFA has a plug-in for exporting reports and individual output as images (PNG) and/or PDFs. Unfortunately, I haven’t been able to make a version which works for OS X. The plug-in works on Windows and Linux but there are crucial libraries I haven’t yet been able to get working on Mac. Fortunately there are some signs of progress. Sid Stewart of PDF Labs is working on a new version of pdftk (one of the libraries I need working) and will be building a new installer for Mac. And wkhtmltopdf and pyPDF are already working. So getting the export output plug-in working for Mac might be possible after all.

You might be able to help. If you are a Mac user, and you are able to get either of the following libraries working on your machine, please drop me a line ( letting me know how you did it.

  • Ghostscript (used to convert PDF → PNG)
  • ImageMagick (used to trim PNG to correct dpi) or, even better still, PythonMagick