Archive for January, 2013

1.3.2 Makes Backing Up SOFA Easy

Sunday, January 27th, 2013

It is now easy to back up SOFA including data, reports, and any variable and project details. The backup button is on the main screen and can be made operational by installing the backup SOFA plug-in (available fromĀ


1.3.1 brings more improvements

Wednesday, January 9th, 2013

The latest version brings lots of small improvements and one useful new feature – the ability to use sum as an option for charting e.g. a line chart showing total sales by country:

New sum option

Here is the full list of improvements:

  • Adding sum as an option for charting e.g. a line chart showing total income per month by product. And the interface has been simplified at the same time.
  • Matplotlib scatterplots now have optimal min and max settings calculated for their x-axis.
  • Added footnote to Wilcoxon output explaining that different statistics packages may report the test statistic differently.
  • Misc fixes to chart layout including left margin offset.
  • Easier to add new variable definition files from within dialog for choosing them.
  • Modified recode column labels and help content to reduce confusion about which columns to enter range information into.

And bug fixes:

  • Fixed code picking optimal min and max axis values for scatterplots and box plots to cope when value range is much smaller than gap to 0.
  • CSV import now copes with new lines inside fields when gathering data for sample display.
  • Extra settings for Line Charts now display when they should even if only changing data type.
  • Fixed bug which allowed line breaks in field names.