Statistics Open For All

SOFA - Statistics Open For All
The user-friendly, open-source statistics,
analysis, and reporting package

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Contact Details

Lead Developer: Dr Grant Paton-Simpson

You are welcome to contact us if this project is of interest - whether as a future user, developer, statistics or educational advisor etc. Even comments about problems with SOFA Statistics are welcome.

Press Information

SOFA Statistics is an open source statistics, analysis, and reporting package. SOFA Statistics has an emphasis on ease of use, learn as you go, and beautiful output.

Start screen

Installation packages are available for Windows, Mac OS X, and Ubuntu Linux, and SOFA Statistics should work anywhere the Python language will run (which is virtually everywhere). SOFA Statistics can connect directly to data in MySQL, SQLite, MS Access, MS SQL Server, PostgreSQL, and CUBRID databases (no importing required) and can import data from Excel, OpenOffice Calc, Gnumeric, csv files, and google docs. You can use SOFA Statistics to make nested reporting tables e.g. Age vs Gender by Country, with row and column percentages, totals, means, medians etc. Additionally SOFA Statistics can perform the following tests: independent and paired t-tests, Mann Whitney U, Wilcoxon Signed Ranks, Pearson's Chi Square, one-way ANOVAs, Kruskal Wallis H, Spearman's R, and Pearson's R.

Statistics test selection dialog

SOFA Statistics generates attractive, and dynamic, charts that you can share with others easily. The output is HTML and Javascript so it is web-friendly from the start.

Attractive Pie Charts