J. David Eisenberg has kindly made a PortableApps version of SOFA for Windows. It is an alpha release only but it works and feedback/assistance is welcome. Here is his announcement as posted on the Google Group:
I have used the PortableApps guidelines (correctly, I hope!) to create a version of SOFA Statistics that can be installed on a USB drive and will retain your data and settings.
You can download the installer at http://evc-cit.info/SOFAStatisticsPortable_1.4.3_English.paf.exe ; this is Windows only.
Known problem: If you add the results of a statistical test to a report, any graphs for that statistical test will show up as a “missing image” icon. The image will be in the report; it just won’t show up on screen.
I have not tried scripting to see if that works properly.
Any comments are welcome at the SOFA statistics Google Group