wxWebKit (http://wxwebkit.wxcommunity.com/index.php?n=Main.HomePage) is a very important widget for the SOFA Statistics project as it will be used to display all output. At present, the only debian package for wxWebKit (kindly supplied by Christoph Willing) does not support the display of local images. Fortunately this is being rectified through the hard work of Kevin Ollivier, and a new package should be out sometime soon. This is expected to be a standard package which should simplify the installation instructions for Ubuntu users.
Once the wxWebKit package is available, a lot of development work will take place in SOFA Statistics to provide auxiliary graphs which support analysis e.g. by displaying the data distributions in the samples used for an ANOVA. It will finally be possible to really start delivering on the “learn-as-you-go” promise of SOFA Statistics.